Friday, July 29, 2005

mangled thoughts

Have been introduced to the language, English, for nearly 23 years. I'm not sure but I can vouch for it, that my parents might have exclaimed, "Look at our dear little son", the moment I was out of my mom's cosy womb.In spite of having a toally different language as my mother tongue, I'm sure that exclamation might have been in the lingua franca of the world.
I stuck to the language since then, developed a yearning desire to read and read what not and still read anything and everything. No it doesn't set me apart, everyone reads more than they know. Knowledge is amassed not by the table and lamp but by the conscious and the sub-conscious working in toto.
Am I introducing myself or am I just writing, well this query is just another though that sprung up. I must say that I am writing out my mind can't call all this as crap because as you read on it does make some sense. For heaven's sake this sentence does make sense doesn't it. So its not nonsensical, for something is being presented.
Che Guevara died but his simmering anger against the offences on the oppressed has nearly created a cult. He epitomised struggle, aggression and symbolised life and its struggles. He's almost created a cult. No, one cannot surmise that he dies a claustrophobic death in the tshirt printings, its from a wagabond's tshirt that I learnt about him and looked up to learn more about him. Oblivious of the information the wagabond passed on to me, he continues to dope in the murky street corners and the black imprint with near to life colour combinations made me realise that Che could be a Guru to a multitude.
Linking Guru to an inanimate object is not at all a fault. They say that Guru is one who drives you, inspires you, guides you and assails you. Are they parents? The Sanskrit incantation on the Guru deifies the Guru and strongly conveys that the Guru is in everything. Fact G for Guru G for God.
Incoherence of thoughts may make you feel nauseatic but to feel that you have consumed what I have written and all my acknowledgements for that.